One Min Ramayana 9 — Did Sita Devi try to commit suicide in Lanka?
Just when Lord Rama and Sita maatha were about to complete their 14 year Vanvaas, Sita devi gets kidnapped by Ravana and kept in Ashok vanam. It almost takes about 10 months for Rama to find her whereabouts and rescue her.
During these 10 months, Sita maatha was subjected to immense emotional torture by Ravana and his rakshasas. Rama’s position was relatively better since he had Lakshmana, Hanuma, Sugriva and several others to console him during the search and rescue operation. But unfortunately Sita devi didn’t had any such support system during her captivity.
Sita devi was brought up as a Princess by King Janaka and later came to Ayodhya as a would be queen! She enjoyed all the worldly luxuries any woman can ever dream of! Over night her beautiful world came upside down when she choose to accompany Lord Rama to the forest. But during her stay with Lord Rama in the forest, she still experienced the same bliss and happiness she once had in her Kingdom.
It was a rude shock for her when Ravana came in disguise and later dragged her by the hair and took her away on his vimana (aeroplane). Sita maatha had to spend the rest of the several months amidst cruel and ugly looking Raakshasas. Besides trying to woo her with wealth and power, Ravana also used to threaten her with death if she does not oblige to his demand.
In Sundarakanda, Maharshi Valmiki describes an incident when Sita maatha almost took her life. In Sarga/Chapter 22, Sloka 9 (as below), Ravana gives a 2 month deadline to Sita devi and tells her that if she doesn't fulfill his wish, she will be killed and cooked for him as breakfast!
ऊर्ध्वं द्वाभ्यां तु मासाभ्यां भर्तारम् मामनिच्चतीम् |
मम त्वां प्रातराशार्थमालभन्ते महानसे || ५-२२-९
Hanuma who got into a size of a small cat and was searching for Sita maatha happens to locate her and observes the conversation between Sita maatha and Ravana sitting on a tree. After Ravana leaves, the Rakshasa women around Sita devi threaten her with several dire consequences. Sita devi breaks down finally and she decides to give up her life. Sita devi then tries to hang herself to the tree with her long hair. This part is described in Sundarakanda, Sarga/Chapter # 28, Sloka # 18 as below,
सा शोकतप्ता बहुधा विचिन्त्य |
सीताथ वेण्युद्ग्रथनं गृहीत्वा |
उद्भुध्य वेण्युद्ग्रथनेन श्रीघ्र |
महं गमिष्यामि यमस्य मूलम् || ५-२८-१८
Hanuma who is considered to be most intelligent among Vanaras falls into a dilemma onto how to protect Sita maatha from hanging herself up! He thinks that if he tries to talk to her from the tree, Sita maatha would wonder how come a vanara is talking and can mistake him for some rakshasa in disguise and may immediately end her life!! With only few seconds left to save Sita maatha, he starts going up and down around the branches of the tree out of serious anxiety. It is then a brilliant idea strikes him like a thunder bolt.
He starts reciting the story of Rama. He starts telling how Rama was born, was sent to forest and how Sita devi was kidnapped and how he was assigned the duty to find her in Lanka, in a breathless fashion! Hearing this story, Sita maatha sighs a breath of relief and thinks how come she happens to hear Rama story in Lanka! She aborts her attempt to give up her life listening to the story of Rama. Later Hanuma gives her the ring sent by Rama and we know how Hanuma wrecked havoc in Lanka and how he helped Lord Rama unite with Sita maatha!
What we learn from this incident is, no matter how depressed and dejected you are, listening to Ramayana although for a brief while, would pull you out of your hardships. Elders say, Sundarakanda parayanam is the best remedy to get rid of any mental health issues and gain self-confidence.